GPS MPH for RC suggestions


Well-Known Member
Land of Oz
Just curious if any of you have any input for a GPS speed tracker for RC cars? Toying with the idea of seeing how fast these things are stock vs improved.
Just curious if any of you have any input for a GPS speed tracker for RC cars? Toying with the idea of seeing how fast these things are stock vs improved.
I used to use an old mobile phone (Samsung Galaxy S5) held on with rubber bands and running the Speedometer GPS HUD App. It worked well enough for recording maximum speed but it was rather inconvenient.
Now I have got GPS speed telemetry working nicely on my TrAMP. I use FrSky radio and the receiver has a facility called S.Port which allows you to connect telemetry sensors. I tried the FrSky GPS device but could not get it to work due to interference from the ESC. In the end, I made my own using a MakerHawk GPS Receiver Module (compatible with Ublox NEO-6M) and an Arduino Nano Every. The secret of success was a separate GPS Patch Antenna on a long cable. The GPS Receiver and the Arduino fit neatly in one side of the AMP chassis. The antenna is right up the in the front of the chassis beyond the steering gear.
TrAMP will do 35 MPH on a 2S battery, which is about as fast as my reactions can handle.
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