Differences between MT and DB? Possible to switch between the two?


Well-Known Member
Having built an MT for my son, I'm very tempted to get one for myself as it's so much fun.

I was wondering though what exactly are the differences between the MT and the DB, obviously the front wheels are different and the body plus wing and I've spotted a different body mount for the back of the buggy shell on the DB but are there any other physical differences?

I'm wondering if it would be feasible to buy an MT but be able to set it up as a buggy when the mood strikes by swapping body and front wheels?

Also, are there any cheaper buggy bodies that would fit, the DB body is about a third of the price of a whole new buggy!
The wheels, body and body mounts are the only differences as far as I know (I own one of each). You'll need to buy either the boost rear body mount (ECX3015) to convert the MT to DB or the circuit front body mount (ECX1093) to convert the DB to MT. Plus the body of course...

If you factor in the cost of wheels and body... I wouldn't bother converting. Just get one of each :)

They drive very similarly, the narrower front wheels don't seem to make much of a difference. The DB is less noisy on big landings (the MT body slap is quite horrid).
The cost of the body was my prime concern, as it's so expensive, though if I could get a generic buggy body that fitted and was nice and cheap it would be a lot better, otherwise, as you say it's as well to get one of each really.

just looked at the price of the wheels too...ouch!!! Will buy the MT and stick with it I think!
As an aside, you just can't look at the cost of parts and accessories as a percentage of the original cost of the car itself. EVERYTHING will seem crazy expensive that way. (I just spent US$70 on new tires and wheels for my AMP/Circuit. Crazy? No. The tires are awesome and it's what I need to race the truck. Nothing else will do and that's that. I have a TLR 22 3.0 and... it's the same thing. Parts cost what parts cost.)

The ECX AMP/Circuit platform is an EXCELLENT platform for modifying, tricking out, etc.

All that said, I'll +1 what xlDoom wrote: Get a DB so you'll have one of each. They're 99% the same vehicle so it doesn't really matter.

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