Slowing down my Ruckus


New Member
Hi All,

So I have decided that I hate crawl spaces. However, I need to inspect mine more often, as the recent discovery of a dishwasher drain leak has proven. So... I have a Ruckus that I bought a while ago but don't use much (I live in a wooded area and kept driving it into trees). Anyway, I though of converting it into a crawl space inspector, put a FPV camera on it, etc.

What I need to do though is slow it down. I know you can just run it at low speed but I heard that was not good for the electronics over a long period? Is that true? Plus you have to be careful that your finger doesn't slip.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone had advice to slow it down? Smaller pinon gear? Of course I also need to figure out how to mount a camera and tilt it towards the top of the crawl space, but first thing is first.


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